Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Little Princess

Another great shoot this evening in the heart of Old Town...what a vibrant and imaginative little girl and, might I add, a beautiful family all around. This little one hit a wall at the end of the shoot - it happens! But she was "on" the rest of the time - she gave us all a run for the money!

To view the whole session use the password: maianais

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Happy Anniversary to Caren & Max

September 30, 2006...Caren and Max were one of my first weddings after moving east, so not only is it their anniversary, but in way it is mine too. You guys will always be in my heart!

Bringing In Fall With Lilly

Today I met a super happy baby. Hoorah to this family for matching the season in really nice oranges, yellows and browns. With the mossy green on the trees it was a very coordinated affair. Just lovely. The air was fresh and crisp, perfectly temperate - that just in between summer and fall perfectness.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Gorgeous Audrey

What a fun Wednesday morning I had photographing this gorgeous mother and daughter. Their spirits were truly akin - both light-hearted and easy going. I just plain loved photographing them and look forward to many, many more shoots. I can't wait to come back.

To view the whole session go to "Proofing" and use the password: annaaudrey.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

ANNOUNCING ! Photography + Design

I have been alluding to you, my portrait clients (this doesn't apply to my wedding clients), that some major and exciting changes are afoot. I am hereby announcing the launch of Jessica Photo: Photography + Design.

What does this mean? (Lots of new marketing materials need to be made!) Really though...From start to finish working with me with will be different. The photo shoot is the same, of course, but what surrounds it - your service level - will be very different. I am gearing this change toward a very high level of personal service. Instead of just shooting great portraits the whole will be addressed - meaning I will help design the space where you hang your portraits. Also, I will be bringing with me a 28 page book filled with ideas on how/where to hang your portraits.

After your photo shoot your portraits will be posted on my website (not yucky Pictage!) within a few days. After one week the gallery will be taken down. This week long period is to allow you to see your portraits before we meet again for the viewing/ordering session.

Also after the shoot a design consultant will be contacting you to set up an in-home consultation. Since you will have had some time with the book that I bring to the photo shoot you should be prepared for this meeting with your ideas. The design consultant (interior decorators that I am working closely with on this project) will help you understand your space and interpret your ideas. She will do a walk-through of your home with you, also marking down ideas about your space.

When we meet for our session you will already know, fairly well is the hope, what you will be ordering.

I offer three different types of prints: digital prints, mounted prints and canvas wraps. If you choose digital prints you will need to think about framing. If you are interested in his services, I will refer you to a framer who also does in-home consultations. He brings a laptop and is able to show you your images in different frames and mattes so you can have a clear idea of what you are buying.

One more change, to finish up this new concept, is that I will be personalizing your ordering sessions. I will bring finished print ideas to the meeting to show you more possibilites of what can be done with your portraits. I am posting some examples here.

The portrait side of Jessica Photo is the midst of this transition to "Photography + Design." Thanks in advance for your patience as we iron out all the details.

See you at our next shoot!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

MaryEllen & Ricky 9/21/07

MaryEllen and Ricky got married in Columbia, MD. A bit of traffic craziness delayed the festivities a hair but nothing could stop this true Cinderella wedding. MaryEllen was the first real Cinderella I've ever seen. Her dress was was a light wine color and truly stunning. She even wore glass slippers. Gorgeous.

Michael & Krista: Engagement Session

I'm a little out of order on the bloggy blog today...Michael and Krista's engagement session is getting ahead in line of this weekend's wedding. Michael and Krista were a little on the nervous side for our shoot today but I think, even though I was a ramble queen, they didn't suffer tooooo much. We walked around the Capitol grounds and it was a simply perfect, simply gorgeous fall afternoon. It's always good to be back on "home" ground. See you in Oct. for the wedding!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Garrett at One

A few days ago I had the pleasure of photographing this great family. Garrett is the happiest little guy! To see the full session go to the Proofing section and use the password "peggyryan." I'm also excited to announce a nifty thing I am now doing called "wall collages." See an example below...this is to be able to see your images as a little preview to what they will look like framed.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Sherry & Branko 9/9/07

This tiny wedding took place in Mt. Vernon, VA. It was a gorgeous setting and a lovely, lovely place to be on a Sunday afternoon. What a charming and loving couple.